if a picture is worth a thousand word then i guess my story's pretty long.

finally fall.

so this past weekend we had off (fall break a.k.a. one day off) and i headed home. flew from baltimore to portland on thursday and of course the rain followed me. now when i say rain i mean torrential downpour. left baltimore just as the rain stopped and then with in hours of my return to the lovely state of maine, i was once again surrounded by water. normally i don’t mind rain but my goal for this weekend was to take as many pictures as i could. this isn’t unusual for me but it was the first time i would be using my new camera at home and had been dying to experiment with it. however, despite the gloomy weather i was still able to get some pictures of my favorite season. down in baltimore there really isn’t a full fall like there is in new england and so it was like entering another world. everything is so bright and colorful but unlike the blues and greens, purples and pinks prominent in the spring the colors of fall are warm tones. vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. i’ll say it once and will probably say it again but i love fall.  and so here we go… my life in frames begin.

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One response

  1. Hi.
    Great pics!
    So you like the fall? Yeah, I can understand you, if you say you don’t really have “a full fall” back home…
    You should come here, (right now, I have to stay for a while in Ukraina), to see what fall really means…
    It rains, well not that downpour that scares you, no, just, you know, it makes you wonder if to open your umbrella or not… but it rains, not for few hours or a day or two, it rains for a few weeks on a row… everything gets wet, and sticky, and the wonderful colored fallen leaves transform themselves in a slippery muddy mush that covers the streets, gardens, everything…
    Sorry, but the fall just makes me wonder why am I not dead yet…

    October 20, 2010 at 3:59 pm

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